It's time for a quiz! Today's $8.2 trillion dollar question is:
How do bureaucrats solve problems?
Your choices are:
A. With speed and efficiency.
B. With careful study by dedicated subject matter experts, who precisely determine the optimum allocation of resources needed to achieve a desired outcome, who then enact the solution while gathering essential feedback from its execution to adjust its operation as required to ensure ongoing satisfactory performance.
C. With more bureaucracy.
If you answered anything other than C, you're probably Paul Krugman. And if you doubt C is the answer, consider this report from the U.K. (HT: Heritage Policy Blog).
[And you thought the state of dental health in Britain was bad before. - Ed. ]
Update (26 February 2006): More evidence from the U.K. (via the Mises Economics Blog, which also confirms Paul Krugman's preference for bureaucracy rule in health care.