09 March 2006

Want to Learn Some German?

I'm taking the liberty of reproducing the following lesson in Bona Fide German Words here, just because the lesson is too funny not to! (HT: Marginal Revolution.)

The words you see below are genuine words. True, they are not words you would find in every-day German, but they are lexically and syntactically legitimate. Theoretically, there is no limit to the compounding of nouns in German. There is a practical limit though -- you run out of breath and you lose sight of the beginning before you reach the end.

1) Donaydampfshiffahrtsgesellschafts- kapitaenskajuetenschluesseloch

[The keyhole of the door of the cabin of the captain of a steamship company operating on the Danube]

2) Gesundheitswiederherstellungszusammen- mischungsverhaeltniskundiger

[One who knows the mixture ratio of a concoction that is sure torestore health]

3) Ueberseedeutschlehrerinternetmailing- listenfragenstellundantwortkundigen

[People well versed in asking questions and supplying answers on the Internet Mailing List of German teachers abroad]

But that's not all the fun! The author goes on to create some more:

There follows a small collection of pseudo-compound nouns together with their English equivalents, which illustrate the process of compounding as it occurs naturally in the German language.

German Lesson #7

Dog:                    Barkenpantensniffer
Dog Catcher:            Barkenpantensniffersnatcher
Dog Catcher's Truck:    Barkenpantensniffersnatcherwagen
Garage for Truck:       Barkenpantensniffensnatcherwagenhaus
Truck Repairman:        Barkenpantensniffensnatcherwagen-
Mechanic's Union:       Barkenpantensniffensnatcherwagen-

Doctor:                 Chestergethumpenpulsentooker
Nurse:                  Chestergethumpenpulsentookerhelper
Hypodermic Needle:      Chestergethumpenpulsentooker-
Backside:               Chestergethumpenpulsentooker-

Piano:                  Plinkenplankenplunkenbox
Pianist:                Plinkenplankenplunkenboxgepounder
Piano Stool:            Plinkenplankenplunkenboxgepounder-
Piano Recital:          Plinkenplankenplunkenboxgepounder-
Fathers at the Recital: Plinkenplankenplunkenboxgepounder-
Mothers at the Recital: Plinkenplankenplunkenboxgepounder-

Automobile:             Honkenbrakenscreecher
Gasoline:               Honkenbrakenscreecherzoomerjuicen
Driver:                 Honkenbrakenscreecherguidenschtunker
Auto Mechanic:          Honkenbrakenscreecherknockengepinger-
Repair Bill:            Bankenrollergebustenuptottenliste

No wonder the Germans are such a fun-loving people!