07 August 2015

Creating Civilization from Nothing

One of the more popular trends in television involves plucking people out of modern society and setting them down in some remote corner of the world where they have have to fend for themselvesa using just the resources at hand. Programs like Survivor, Naked and Afraid, and Alone focus a lot of attention on how those who volunteer to participate in the shows struggle to survive for a few weeks in the wild.

But what if these shows are missing the point of what it really means to be a modern human placed in such a situation? Is basic survival really all that life under those conditions is about? Isn't the real challenge to take the challenge out of basic survival?

With that in mind, watch the following videos where a young Australian man first makes a stone adze....

Which he then uses to build an effective shelter using wood, sticks, palm fronds and mud - all natural materials obtained within a very short walking distance from the remote location where he built the shelter. Oh, by the way, he also fires a clay pot to use for cooking....

It's not about surviving under primitive conditions, it's about prevailing over them. We find that what he has shared so far of his experience through his Primitive Technology blog provides real insights into how stone age peoples created the foundations of what we call civilization from nothing.

HT: Core77.